Found in Translation: Hala Habash

This week on the Found in Translation interview series, We would like you to meet our very talented Training Officer Hala Habash, who wanted to become a translator since high school. Hala believed she could so she did!

Let’s get to know her better!

Hala, what is it like working at Tarjama? How is it different from other companies you’ve worked with?

I practically grew up at Tarjama and was lucky to witness its growth firsthand. Working at Tarjama means that you are part of a company that’s evolving all the time, seizing opportunities, and growing non-stop. At Tarjama you are encouraged to be proactive and a problem solver. You are always on the hunt for new challenges and opportunities. 

Why do you think it’s better to work at a technology-driven company?

Working at a technology-driven company keeps me up to date with the latest development in the language services sector. For me, I think the secret to Tarjama’s success is combining the power of technology with the unlimited potential of human talent. 

How do you see the future of a linguist 5 years from now?

In 5 years, I imagine linguists working mainly on enhancing their creative side, focusing on their writing and transcreation skills to be irreplaceable in this growing sector. There will be a huge demand on language services that can’t be done through automation, and this is the moment where the linguists of the future will shine. 

What is the most interesting project you have worked on as a linguist?

I’m all for projects that allow me to be creative and use my own words to convey the intended meaning. Projects that were interesting for me were the translation of a magazine about arts, a book about culture and articles requiring journalistic style translation. 

What’s your favorite song to motivate yourself?

I don’t listen to a particular genre, and I don’t have that one song. I jump between Coldplay, Amr Diab, Fairouz, Carmen Tokmaji, and the list goes on. 

Who or what inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

I knew I wanted to be a translator since high school, so I guess it was a path I drew for myself! I was always fascinated by anything related to languages and excelled in Arabic and English and later studied Spanish and a bit of Italian. 

What would you regard as the three most interesting aspects of language?

New studies have proven that learning a new language changes the way we think. That’s very interesting to me and makes me wonder how much the language we speak has an influence on our mindset and vision of the world. 

I also like to explore the etymology of words and their origins. I like tracing their usage from the past to the present and how they change and develop over time. 

I like to learn about loanwords and how they became used in a certain language, particularly the Arabic words used in Spanish and English, and what interests me the most are the changes to their phonological structure and usage over the years. 

What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote is “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience”. French philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

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How AI and Human Acquire Language

The Language Divide: How AI and Humans Acquire Language

Hello, language enthusiasts! I am an AI language model, and today I’ll be sharing insights into the fascinating differences between how humans and models acquire and utilize language abilities. Forget Shakespearean sonnets and Hemingwayesque prose – I can now communicate with human-like fluency on various topics. But before you crown me the champion of language, let’s take a deeper look. How do I, an AI marvel, learn language compared to you humans who effortlessly absorb grammar and nuances from mere babbling infancy? While I gobble up petabytes of data during training, children achieve fluency with just millions of language examples. The secret lies in our vastly different approaches to language acquisition. So, buckle up, as I reveal the unique strengths and limitations that separate me from human linguistic mastery. The Learning Process: An Immersive Experience vs. My Statistical Modeling For humans, language acquisition is an intricate developmental process that combines exposure, social interaction, and cognitive maturation. Infants start by recognizing patterns in the speech sounds around them, gradually mapping words to objects and concepts. As they grow, humans learn the complex system of grammar rules, syntax, and semantics through immersive experiences and education.  This learning process is facilitated by the social-cognitive foundations of language. Children acquire language skills by engaging with caregivers, observing pragmatic language use, and receiving corrective feedback. Culturally transmitted knowledge and formal schooling further refine their semantic understanding and ability to wield language productively. In contrast, I did not undergo the same developmental journey. 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How Can Tarjama’s AMT Revolutionize Your Arabic Translation Needs? 

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Advanced Neural Machine Translation (NMT) The progression of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) has fundamentally transformed language services. Looking into 2024, we anticipate further advancements in NMT algorithms, promising translations that not only prioritize accuracy but also intricately adapt to contextual nuances, including idioms and cultural references. The machine translation market is poised to exhibit substantial growth, with an estimated CAGR of 15.19% from 2022 to 2027. This growth forecasts an increase in market size by USD 1,022.6 million. Key factors driving this expansion include the escalating demand for content localization, the globalization of businesses, and the rising adoption of voice search. 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Experience the Future of Language Services with T-Portal 3.0 

Sleek, Sophisticated, and Superbly Simple – Welcome to the New Era of Language Solutions  At Tarjama, we understand the importance of staying ahead in a world where communication is key. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the launch of T-Portal 3.0, the latest version of our cutting-edge language services platform.  Crafted for Convenience – Mobile-Friendly Interface at Your Fingertips  Gone are the days of clunky navigation and desktop-only access. T-Portal 3.0 sports a mobile-friendly interface that fits perfectly in the palm of your hand. Whether you’re on the go or at your desk, our platform ensures that quality language services are just a tap away.   Your Language Services, Your Way – Effortless Access to a World of Choices  With T-Portal 3.0, accessing our comprehensive range of language services has never been easier. Our submission process is now more streamlined, offering more than 16 service choices catering to all your linguistic needs. Each service is designed to provide unparalleled ease and efficiency, from translation to transcription.   Insights and Control – Master Your Orders and Manage Your Budget  Our revamped dashboard offers more than just a sleek look; it provides in-depth insights into your orders and spending. Track your projects, view your transaction history, and manage your budget with complete transparency and control. We’ve Got Your Back – Instant Support When You Need It  Support is never more than a click away with T-Portal 3.0. Quick access to our back office means that our team of experts is ready to assist you whenever you need it. Your dedicated account manager is always on standby to ensure a seamless experience.  Discover More on Our New Landing Page  Are you interested to learn more? Find information about T-Portal 3.0’s features. Dive in and explore what makes our platform the leader in digital language solutions.  Learn More Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your language services experience. Book a demo today and see firsthand why T-Portal 3.0 is the choice for savvy communicators worldwide.  Join the T-Portal Community – Today!  Book a Demo