Tarjama Machine Translation Workshop for Linguists

Technology and AI have undoubtedly become crucial parts of nearly every industry, and the translation industry is no exception! With the rise of machine translation (MT), you may have noticed that your role as a human translator is quickly changing. However, MT is just another tool that you can learn how to use to your advantage to significantly excel in your career path in translation.  

Join our upcoming workshop built exclusively for Tarjama linguists and freelancers where we’ll discuss how you can leverage MT to your advantage. The workshop will feature industry experts who’ll use their hands-on experience to explain how you can turn this technology into an aiding tool that takes your translations to the next level. 

In this workshop, we’ll discuss: 

  • Building your future in the age of Language AI 
  • Increasing your productivity and comfort with MT 
  • How to handle MT output 
  • Why MT needs YOU 
  • Shifting your role from T to MTPE 
  • Date: Tuesday, 2 November 2021 

    Time: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (UAE) 

    Don’t miss this exclusive workshop and save the date now!  

    For Tarjama in-house linguists: Please note that attendance is mandatory. If you’re unable to attend, please inform Waseem Al Qousini, Severina Aburiash, or Zaid Alshurbaji 48 hours ahead of the webinar to get written approval. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary actions. 

    Konstantin Dranch

    Co-Founder, Custom.MT 

    Konstantin is a localization expert with a focus on market research and technology. He has worked in localization since 2012 and has witnessed how the industry has changed over time. As a leading market researcher in the field, Konstantin brings vast experience working with leading localization companies and has a collection of data on global rankings, financial performance, practices, and models from all around the world. In 2020, he founded Custom.MT, a company helping localization teams and translation companies with MT datasets, engine training, and implementation.  


    Enrico Antonio Mion

    Translator Trainer, Custom.MT 

    Enrico has been working as a freelance translator since 2013. As a native Italian, he offers translation and MTPE services from English to Italian and from French to Italian. He specializes in translating content for the sports industry, namely cycling and running, tourism, and in localizing product descriptions for various Italian online marketplaces. Among some of his major clients are Booking.com and Amazon. In 2021, he built uptimaz, a company that offers Amazon product listing optimization and other translation services for the Italian, French, Spanish, and German marketplaces, among others. 


    Ayman Mohammad, Quality Assurance Manager, Tarjama 

    Ayman is a translation enthusiast and professional with over 8 years of experience working with localization teams at global companies. His expertise lies in copywriting, content generation, proofreading, and QC management in both Arabic and English. As Quality Assurance Manager with Tarjama, he is the guardian of translation quality for all enterprise-level projects, leading an error-proof QC module that ensures every deliverable meets the world-class standards of Tarjama. Ayman has worked on testing and evaluating the output quality of various MT models with Tarjama. 

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The importance of localization practices grows daily, and companies must keep up with the global market to compete.  The key to growing and leaving a mark on the global market is implementing well-defined localization practices, building a solid strategy. Abdelaziz mentions a study showing which methods companies consider the most important for expanding new markets. The first two are social media and international advertising. Localization comes third. He states that localization is at the core of other methods. “This huge trend with global companies prioritizing and investing in localization is because it’s the method to grow and expand into new markets,” he remarks.  Why is Localization So Important?  The most crucial point of localization is the change in customer behaviors. Hussein summarizes the growing importance of localization: “…consumers now expect their content to be localized; they expect it to be personalized; they expect it to be a bit more tailored to them. 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Localization builds trust and relationships between a business and its customers, creating regular engagement and conversion.  Hussein states what drives companies to localize: “…the first thing that you notice, whenever you’re sitting with a client that doesn’t have localization expertise or hasn’t moved into localization yet, is that their first question is, how do we do it? Where are we supposed to start? So there are many questions that they don’t see the end goal, they can’t physically understand when will the money start coming in. …So properly localizing your content would help you start selling faster. And that is pretty much the goal after localization.”   What is the Difference Between Translation and Localization?  People often think translation and localization are the same practices. However, they are parts of end-to-end marketing projects and strategies. Abdelaziz summarizes the topic perfectly: “…they are completely different things. Because localization is the entire process of adapting a product or content to a specific market and a specific market location. Yes, translation is part of the localization process, but so is content creation, so is copywriting. So is modifying your graphics and designs to display your products or your services to the market properly.”  Sarkes states that localization is a holistic practice that involves many departments such as products, marketing, content, software, and translation. The whole company needs to align for a specific goal and work harmoniously. Localization is more comprehensive than translation. It requires advanced assistance from CAT tools such as translation management systems (TMS), similar to CleverSo, and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) like Tarjama’s advanced MT, to get the most out of machine speed and human creativity and accuracy.   How Do You Start?  There are four stages of building a localization strategy:   – Research  What is your goal? 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    Localization: The Future of E-Commerce – MT Webinar #2 Key Highlights

    In the second episode of our Machine Translation Webinar Series on April 7th, 2021, we discussed e-commerce localization and its relationship with machine translation (MT). Attendees tuned in from over 40 countries around the globe and speakers brought the ideal mix of experience from both e-commerce (Noon) and machine translation (Tarjama):  Ajmal Hassan, Vice President of Catalog Quality & Private Label at Noon  Abdallah Nasir, Machine Learning Engineer at Tarjama  Here are our most important takeaways from the event:   Shifted shopping patterns catalyzed e-commerce growth  People are constantly changing what, when, and how they’re buying products and services. With COVID-19, e-commerce witnessed accelerated growth across the globe and within the MENA region, where customers drastically shifted to online shopping. With cities and countries going under complete lockdown, customers became more knowledgeable and aware of e-commerce as a solution to buying what they want and need. Shopping behavior shifted to a focus on necessary essentials, which increased the demand and sales for essential goods. Many customers who were reluctant to use digital methods of payment now use it with confidence – given that a cashless shopping experience became a safer method in the context of the pandemic.   Successful e-commerce focuses on constant adaptation  The challenge with e-commerce is to ensure a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience. With the constantly changing ecosystem that we live in, Ajmal explains that it’s important for an e-commerce company to stay agile, flexible, and adaptable. The focus must be on implementing audit mechanisms that help you identify what’s working and what’s changing, and accordingly adapting and pivoting your strategies quickly to suit the changing consumer needs.   When Noon observed the huge increase in essential goods being bought online, they swiftly bootstrapped and launched Noon Daily – a subscription-based platform that provides customers with groceries and essentials at fast delivery rates.   Automation in e-commerce also proved to be of key value in the past year – where collaboration on digital platforms became essential for all stakeholders across the supply chain, including internal teams, sellers, and customers alike.   Get the full recording of the webinar now! One size does NOT fit all   In today’s age of digitization, shopping has become very personal and customers expect very localized experiences. The majority of non-English natives want to engage with e-commerce platforms in their local language. The challenge is to build a solution where – irrespective of what sellers are offering – customers see all the products and services in their local languages. E-commerce localization should focus on creating a personalized experience for shoppers in these 4 main areas across the platform:  1- Search & discoverability  2- Product detail pages  3- Product reviews  4- Marketing communications  Machine translation helps scale e-commerce  To accommodate the pace and volume of work needed to localize e-commerce while preserving content quality and minimizing costs, machine translation plays an important role. As e-commerce companies scale up, integrating Machine Translation Post Editing (MTPE) into their localization workflow becomes vital. Since MTPE uses both machine and human translation which work hand-in-hand, it helps produce faster translations that are less costly, without jeopardizing the quality. The challenge is to find the balance between raw machine translation, human translation, and MTPE that works for your company goals, workflows, and products.  There’s no golden rule for how much human involvement to use for each product or page, but some points to consider are the product price, ROI, and visibility.  Custom MT models = higher speed and accuracy  Custom MT models can be built for specific industries, including e-commerce. Custom MT models are built on your own data, which means that instant translations are more accurate to your business and industry lingo. This results in faster production of translations, less effort needed for human editing, and higher output quality – when compared to generic MT models.   To get started with your own Custom MT model, Abdallah Nasir explains that you need to send your previously translated data in language pairs to your language technology provider (the more the better!) Machine learning engineers use your data to train MT models, then evaluate and refine the model output.  Be the first to know about our upcoming episodes in the series. Join our mailing list!  Sign up now!

    Machine Translation Webinar Series: Kick-off Event Key Takeaways

    To launch our Machine Translation Webinar Series, we hosted a kick-off event to discuss how businesses can streamline their global growth with Machine Translation. Attendees tuned in from across the globe! What is the Machine Translation Webinar Series? Machine translation is quickly becoming the most dominant and preferred translation model. In a business world where time and cost savings are more critical than ever, machine translation plays an important role for business professionals looking to optimize their multilingual content cycle as well as linguists looking for smarter workflows. However, many companies are still facing challenges and questions around MT. With the MT Webinar Series, Tarjama aims to tackle these challenges by exploring, discussing, and answering the most pressing issues that people face with MT. The series aims to enable companies and individuals alike to make the most out of MT and successfully integrate it into their localization workflows. For the kick-off event, we hosted experts from the AI and machine learning field to share their insights: Hassan Sawaf, Founder of aixplain Hassan has 25+ years of experience in employing cutting-edge technologies for mission-critical business operations. Ruba Jaikat, Machine Learning Engineer at Tarjama Ruba is one of Tarjama’s leading machine learning engineers, with hands-on experience delivering innovative machine learning solutions. Here are our most important takeaways from the kick-off event: 1) MT is essential for fast, cost-efficient, secure high-quality translations In today’s digital world, businesses looking for globalization are realizing the limitations of human-only translations – and for that reason, we see many businesses integrating machine translation into their localization workflows. 10 years ago, people thought that MT will replace human translators but in today’s reality, MT is enabling humans versus competing with them. When Hassan started the AI team at eBay, a challenge was to make the content for billions of items across inventories available to everyone in multiple language pairs – and as close to real-time as possible. At that point, human translators alone could not suffice, which is where MT came in as a powerful solution. MT automates a huge part of the translation process, where the machine does the heavy-lifting and leaves space for the human translator to focus on the creative elements, or in other words, Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE). We’re seeing MTPE being heavily adopted by businesses because it improves the productivity of translations and helps maintain the momentum of translation needs at a reduced cost, while also preserving the quality of the translation. 2) The 4 main types of MT service levels & their use-cases We’re seeing most Language Service Providers (LSPs) offering their clients and customers four main types of translation services. Each service type varies in human involvement, delivery time, cost, quality, and style. – Raw MT – Translations are generated by MT alone. Raw MT is associated with the fastest delivery, lowest cost, and fair quality, and is often used for non-client-facing material that isn’t high profile. – Light MTPE – Linguists make minor modifications to Raw MT. Translations will have no grammatical mistakes or mistranslations, but they just might not comply with the translation style and guidelines of the client. – Full MTPE – Linguists modify Raw MT based on client guidelines and specifications. Full MTPE allows a linguist to bring Raw MT output to a human-like publishable quality translation. Because of the higher expenses in terms of cost and time that comes with it, MTPE is often only used with content that has a large target audience, generates revenue, or needs to meet legal requirements. – Exclusive/Custom MT – A custom MT model is built based on the client’s data. This is a great option when a business requires a higher quality of that provided by Raw MT but still wants instant translations or does not want to expose the data to humans for privacy reasons. Since it’s trained on the client’s data, Exclusive MT takes into consideration industry- and client-specific lingo and jargon, thus producing higher-quality translations. Get the full recording of the webinar now! 3) The Arabic world’s challenge is domain-specific data Arabic is a difficult language with many different forms and dialects. While generic Arabic MT engines have come a long way because of the huge amount of data used to develop these engines; terminology may not suit every subject area, resulting in mistranslations in particular business domains. Ruba explains that Tarjama’s MT was built to solve this challenge for businesses looking to localize their content for the Arab world. Its engine is trained on high-quality professionally-edited data accumulated over 12 years across various industries, resulting in accurate Arabic translations across a variety of custom-domains. 5) The future (and present!) of MT is big As personalized content is becoming increasingly important, we see the future of MT will have to involve dialect-aware MT engines that understand different dialects and forms of language. Another area that MT will need to conquer is low-resource languages. With over 6,000 languages in the world, MT is performing on an average level for the top 50-100 languages, with room for improvement for many of those. For the remaining thousands, MT will need to catch up in the near future. MT will also need to be able to integrate with other AI solutions. As businesses are looking to work smarter and faster in a more streamlined, holistic fashion, MT will need to adapt to that by integrating with other technologies across the entire business workflow. What’s Next? In our upcoming webinars, we’ll continue discussing the most pressing aspects of Machine Translation to enable companies and individuals alike to utilize this powerful technology. Our audience in the previous Machine Translation Webinar expressed their interest in various topics including data security concerns around MT, quality control of MT output, and custom-domain MT engines, which are all topics we plan on covering in our upcoming episodes. Stay tuned! Be the first to know about our upcoming episodes in the series. Join our mailing list! Sign Up